- sep 2021
- John Komen
- 1
- 1416
More and more children live lives where their parents go through life separated (Savage, M., 2020, October 7). That does not always happen without a struggle. Experiencing a divorce process for children can have unpleasant consequences. It can play a role in their social environment, they can discontinue daily activities due to emotional and behavioral aspects, it can affect their self-esteem, and their mental health (Eymann, A. et al, 2009)( ...
- jun 2021
- Evelyn Visschedijk
- 920
Buro Improof - Wachtbeleving
https://buro-improof.nl/magazine/7-tips-om-wach...In dit artikel lees je alles over wachtbeleving. Wat het is, maar bovenal hoe je wachtbeleving in...